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Goku’s Handpainted Jacket: The Masterpiece Like No Other

Goku’s Handpainted Jacket: The Masterpiece Like No Other

When the creator of a masterpiece dives into the ocean of imaginations in search of uniqueness, no limitation restricts his power to turn, whatever goes through his mind, into a living reality.

While a human’s ability to create the physical equivalent of imaginations has historically been misunderstood and underrated by the ignorant masses, the great minds always made good use of the mysterious capability of human intellect to start the new trends and challenge the existing traditions.

These genius minds took it to the next level in every single faculty ranging from arts to science and commerce to spirituality. Despite the favorable or unfavorable situations, a genius keeps on taking approaches backed with a burning desire and persistence to turn his imagination into a reality to be recognized and appreciated.

Since the world of fashion is one of the very few disciplines to support the idea of freedom of thought, it is too easy to understand the massive yet rapidly growing influence of fashion on our souls.

A designer, certainly the one with his name attached with numerous masterpieces, is like an emotional creature who ensures to give life to his emotions by sketching a piece of cloth adding his imaginations to it.

Once mixed well, the ingredients of imaginations and emotions together form a powerful combo that gives birth to an irresistible product. While the practice to design accessories to reveal the story of a certain character exists for decades, one of such incredibly developed products inspired by a Japanese anime character will serve as the topic for the article.

Pretty sure you may have come across unnumbered jackets featuring fairytales, irony sayings, icons of military institutions like on a standard bomber layer, animated images of comic characters, artistic work and whatnot.

However, you are unlikely to have witnessed something as glorifying as a Hand Painted Fur Jacket representing the freaking popular character of Goku, one of the greatest characters to exist in Japanese anime.

Appeared several times in dragon ball z, the super-powerful alienated character is believed to be the driving force behind the utmost popularization of Japanese anime throughout the world.

This could be counted among the major reasons it’s too common to find a fashion accessory inspired by the war-mongering character. Although there may be hundreds of outer layers inspired by Goku, the orange fur jacket is one of its kind with extremely fascinating outer and inner layers and a bunch of specifications suiting it.

Hoping you are as excited as you would be while making a new discovery, let’s unveil the basic properties of the ultra-fancy orange layer and find out what special it has to offer to a fashionista in love with the charismatic character of Goku.

What’s So Special About the Orange Colored Layer?

Go nowhere for the answer and glue yourself with the chair until you are satisfied in a few moments! First and foremost, the detailed scanning of the outerwear will allow you to figure out the important features differentiating it from the rest of the cheap jackets associated with Goku’s character.

However, if you are no less than a lazy creature willing to make no movement despite an earthquake hits your town, let me draw your attention towards the basic yet fabulous features making this outerwear way more special than the ones usually sold for thousands of dollars. Once you divide the hot layer into a few pieces, you will better understand the message conveyed by the designer to the creative souls.

Designed by a mastermind, its leather made lapel collar is truly a gem in the list of specifications allowing it to look like a dream piece for those who are totally aware of the creative process it has gone through. Featuring hand-painted characters from the superhero to his rival, the thick lapel collar with black background gives one a sensible reason to invest in the worthy layer.

Portraying Goku’s life, the jaw-dropping lapel collar is an extraordinary feature of the orange layer which tends to set a new record of fame while promoting the legendary character. Made of fur from the outside, the orange jacket features a couple of pockets with flower and dragon patches reminding one of the greatness of Japanese culture and mythology.

Additionally, the mind-blowing outerwear also offers a deep look into the facial expressions of each and every character revealing a certain aspect of their personality.

For an instance, take a look into Goku’s hand-painted face and you will be able to find the stream of emotions flowing through his eyes revealing his hardships, greatness, pro-humanitarianism, love for the friends, hatred for the foes and aggression for the anti-humanitarian creatures willing to sabotage the peace of the world.

In other simple words, Goku’s eyes serve as the storytelling source of his character which has gone through numerous challenges, unimaginable level of struggle and seemingly impossible to handle situations only to rise against all the odds singlehandedly. Keeping the negativity aside, this outerwear is by far the best one to reserve the right to be associated with a powerful character like Goku.

Men’s Version

Promoting the concepts of immortality and superiority over the unworthy opponents, the Handmade Mens Goku Fur Jacket is, undeniably, an output of extreme dedication gifted with immense creativity and newness.

Unlike the rest of the orange jackets portraying Goku’s signature style with nothing new added, this one is all about keeping things a bit different than usual while providing the powerful figure with the level of importance he deserves.

If the sole purpose of your reading through these lines is to get a bunch of ideas to try Goku’s layer, you are not at the wrong place at all. Just keep on jumping through the following phrases and your brain will be loaded with worth-trying ideas to go for.

A Quick and Easy Option

Different options come for different scenarios, I mean, let's say if you are running out of time to leave for a casual meeting with one of your fashion buddies or a so called fashion maniac, you can stick with the easy-to-go style.

To do that, you can grab a navy blue tee shirt with white texts on it, a pair of military-style boots with laces and narrow bottom high-waisted pants to rock the Goku style like a passionate fan of him.

In addition, you can also add a black sports cap supported by gold-framed brown sunglasses and anything else you wish to for a dashing appearance. While expanding the list of items used to build the outfit, keep in mind the color of outerwear to avoid wearing a color unsuitable for the look.

Much Like a High-Profile Fashionista

When keeping a low profile isn’t part of your fashion strategy, go for bigger steps to bring a massive change to your overall look. This could be followed by putting on red cotton pants wrapped up a couple of inches, white sports shoes featuring black stripes, cozy denim Inner layer to promote the wild west American style and the Goku Hand Painted Fur Jacket over it to complete the look.

In case, you want to amend your fashion strategy for the sole purpose of highlighting the orange layer, you can experiment with sports style baggy trousers, a gold chain hanging on the neck and a baggy white shirt to give you a heavy look. As far as the footwear is concerned, be brave enough to sport orange slip for a great combo of the same colored accessories.

The Semi-formal Look

Feeling an urge to be recognized by the fashion judges as a trendsetter? Just act upon the thought impulses to go for something different than usual by mixing the grey v-neck collared inner layer with black cotton pants.

You don’t have to act like an attention-monger to make others stare you for moments. Instead, all you can do is add black sunglasses and a brown leather jacket as an inner layer for a sophisticated look.

Nevertheless, if the mirror still portrays you to be an unworthy being, hesitate not to replace black pants with patched denim jeans while using a black v-neck inner layer instead of the white one for a much darker look.


Women’s version 

Despite Goku is a male character, a large segmet of his fan base is comprised of the female fans who love him as much as the male anime readers.

Featuring no dissimilarity with the male version, Goku’s jacket for women is a great accessory to be used in a number of ways. No time to waste, let’s start with the first recommendation below.

Maintain An-Above Average Appearance

Whether you are in love with the street style fashion or prefer acting upon your own policies, you can always feel free to wear a white blazer beneath a baggy layer like the Goku Hand Painted Womens Orange Fur Jacket and act as a super special being.

Since a white blazer isn’t enough to be sported with the orange layer, you make sure to put on something extra special such as a ripped tee shirt featuring soft skin. In order to bring yourself in the limelight, you can also add slouchy boots, red trousers, and a rounded hat covering up your head.

Get to know, this would give you a free hand to walk and act confidently while making the fashion judges admire your simple choices. After all, who can afford to neglect a beauty pageant with an outfit made of irresistible accessories?

Going With a Leather Skirt

Unable to earn positive feedbacks? Time to switch to a high-waisted black leather skirt with a loose grey turtleneck to be donned beneath the Hand Painted Womens Goku Jacket. When it comes to footwear, you can prefer a pair of sky blue pumps over anything else for increased height and a mix-match of accessories.

Furthermore, depending upon your likes and dislikes, you can approach the closet and add another item to the outfit for a much-defined appearance. If the thick skirt is nothing more than a useless accessory to you, make sure to replace it with a pencil skirt and enjoy it!

Bagginess Just Bagginess

How about giving a try to maroon wide-leg trousers paired up with white ankle booties? Sounds cool enough? Get a pair of yellow-framed transparent sunglasses and a camel-shaded wide sequins shirt to have a look like never before. Sporting these elements, you will look like a typical supporter of the street style fashion.

For a much classier look, you can put on a plaid sweater beneath the jacket and add a gold-colored locket supported by a silver bracelet dominating your wrist. Since jewelry plays a key role in uplifting the style, you are not allowed to bypass it at all.

For an Unbeatable Attitude

Stop relying on repeatedly used items to earn the kind of compliments that could boost up your mind and up your serotonin levels. Take a U-turn to the past fashion accessories and see if there is anything you may have been missing.

Can’t find anything special down the memory lane? Well, worry not! Just get funkier with tiger printed shorts and red athleisure shoes to be supported by a white plaid tee shirt featuring no texts and a beaded bag revealing your class.

These accessories combined together are going to give you a look way different than the ordinary one while ensuring your orange layer supported outfit stays on the top for one or more reasons.

While there are so many accessories out there to pair up with the outer layer inspired by the greatest anime character, taking a look at the apparel collection will make things easier for you.

A Tip to Consider: Consider these recommendations secondary and accept nobody’s dictations concerning what you can don with the masterpiece layer certainly when you are very well aware of what raises your standards and what lowers them.

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